Let us meet on the mat for an enriching yoga practice and stimulating mind-body experience at your next meeting.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

My Motivation in Life

My motivation in life stems from a need to make a difference, a desire to leave a legacy, and a hunger to stay in the present moment.  I have always had a passion for everything I do in my life.  I am often intentional about what I do.  At times, life throws a curve ball to challenge my balance, which leads to an evaluation of actions I've taken over time.  I then remind myself that what happened in the past, is just that "the past," however past actions have shaped my here and now.

I am proud of the fact that I am a passionate person. That passion drives me to do what I do and to achieve everything I set my mind to. I tend to focus all my energy on things I love, which has enabled me over the years to accomplish many dreams. Not to say that some experiences were not painful, caused me anger, or even made me question what I've become, however, I have learned to overcome those feelings, often generated by fear, by being grateful for every experience that I've had.  I remind myself that I am an able being that has the support of family, friends and teachers that have influenced and mentored me over the years. (Teachers in this context refers to anyone who has taught me a lesson over the years, those teachable moments that can occur at work, home, in a relationship, or in any interpersonal communication interaction).

I am currently pursuing a Virginia Real Estate license, which is very exciting and nerve wrecking at the same time. It is an exciting venture because I know that I will be helping people find their home, which is a rewarding experience.  It is also a nerve wrecking experience because it is a brand new industry, one that I am unfamiliar with, but I recognize that there are teachers helping me accomplish my goal.  I then remind myself that what happened in the past, is just that "the past," however past actions have shaped my here and now.

Let's meet on the mat at your next meeting or event. Check out www.themeetingyogi.com for more information or email bana@themeetingyogi.com.


Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Power of Our Minds

I often underestimate the power of our minds from thoughts that tend to emerge throughout the day, thoughts that could trump our true feelings or sense of intuition.  It is a dangerous dance that could affect relationships with family, colleagues, or loved ones.

Think of a time when the only thoughts in your mind were positive and every action you took that day or every reaction you may have had towards the people you interacted with lead to having a great day.  The positive thoughts enable the mind to think clearly and have a wonderful effect on the body, because they are associated with emotions like happiness, excitement, etc.

On the other hand, negative thoughts tend to manifest in our minds, which leads us to mental scenarios that enhance those negative manifestations resulting in emotions that are toxic to the body.  The body will instantly slouch to protect the heart from whatever emotion we are experiencing, whether it is anger, distrust, disappointment, or sadness. Our breathing becomes shallow, and our mind could be triggered to react negatively to any interaction we may have with others that day.  

The mind is everything; what you think, you become ~ Buddha

Intuition (the gut feeling, instinct) is often clouded by negative emotions.  It is important to distinguish between thoughts that may lead to negative outcomes and an instinct that triggers caution in our mind to avoid negative scenarios or events in our lives.

On a personal note, I work on staying present in the moment and challenging the mind to turn a negative thought into a positive one.  I realize that my mind is a powerful tool with a healthy imagination; therefore I am consciously aware of thoughts that may emerge from events or things that are beyond my scope of control.  As a teenager, I frequently worried about what people would say or how they would interact with me.  As an adult, I say what I mean and mean what I say; I find it to be rewarding to be transparent with my thoughts and emotions.

How will you challenge your mind today? Think positive thoughts and you will attract positive events to your life.


Let's meet on the mat at your next meeting or event. Check out www.themeetingyogi.com for more information or email bana@themeetingyogi.com.